Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Barack Obama's Health Plan


That link above is the text of the speech in which Barack Obama outlines his new health care plan if he gets elected President. His plan includes "insurance competition, eliminating inefficiencies in the health system, having the federal government pick up part of the high costs of catastrophic coverage, driving down the costs of drugs and promoting preventive measures as well as better management of chronic illnesses."

All this is well and good, but he does not go nearly far enough. 47 million Americans do not have any form of health care. 8.3 million of these are children or about 11.6 percent of the numver of children in the US. That by far is the worst problem facing america today. 1 in 10 children can't get basic health coverage. What is Barack Obama going to do about that?

Oh and by the way, for all of you out there who think abortion is bad, think about how many children who are actually born that a lack of health coverage will kill.

Just a thought.


JimmyB said...

Then why not gas the elderly on Medicare? It would increase the quality of life for the rest of us by covering the cost of children who do not have health care. From a Pro-life stance, that's the same thing.

It isn't about oppressing women, it's about giving the child a chance at life. To say that abortion would save children from sickness that would ultimately kill them is the same as proposing what I just noted. The ONLY difference is that the elderly are a vocal, powerful group that would never let such a ridiculous thing happen to them. The unborn have no voice of their own.

RJ said...

I wasn't saying it was about opressing women. I'm saying that if your for the sancitity of life and all, why aren't you for it throught the whole life of a person. A lot of the children born today won't have health insurance. They wouldn't have been better off dead. But still it would be nice for the people who vigourously defend "life" to want to get people to live longer by offering them some health care. I think that would help and maybe even save a lot of people from dying.

JimmyB said...

The oppression of women wasn't in response to your post. It was more in response to the discourse.

I can completely understand your thoughts of inconsistency. I DO think we should be taking care of those that cannot take care of themselves, but I do not agree with a universal health care plan. I'm not here to argue about the different medical coverage plans that may or may not be a solution. The point of my comment was merely that if someone is ready to consider aborting a child before looking at all other options, then it shows a lack of foresight.

Sec produces babies in the intended sense. That's how the whole system works. I do understand that there are instances wherein women are raped and other horrible things happen (and in these cases, being a male and not a pregnant woman, I find it harder to comment on abortion), but for the overwhelming percentage of babies born in this country, two (or more, sometimes) people are engaging in sexual relations, and if they aren't ready to deal with a child, then they shouldn't use abortion to escape the consequences of their mistakes. Really, that brings it around to an issue of parents accepting responsibility for their decisions and their children, but that's an entirely different debate.

RJ said...

I understand the responsibility argument, but I don't think its my position to tell women what to do with their own bodies. Would my girlfriend and I get an abortion if it came to that? Probably not. But I'm not gonna tell anyone else what they can or can not do cause they don't necesarily delieve in the same things I do.