Billy Graham's Library
Billy Graham's Library was dedicated this morning, and it has been written about by many people since it happened as he is Billy Graham. CNN, when it was doing its piece on the dedication, mentioned his apparent anti-semitism.
It appears that a long time ago Mr. Graham was a very close advisor to President Nixon, and not just on matters of faith as he has been for every president since then. Mr. Graham and the President were in the Oval Office, and President Nixon voiced his opinion that Jews were in control of the media or some other crazy conspiracy theory. Mr. Graham sai he agreed with him, and that Jewish people have a “stranglehold” on the American media.
Now you can look at this and think, wow this guy is a racist.I’ll admit that is what I first thought, and I was gonna write this to criticize the Presidents for attending the funeral service of a bigot. But after thinking about it, and reading that Mr. Graham had actually refused to call for the conversion of Jews, I started feeling bad for him. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be in the Oval Office standing with the president, being treated as a friend. I would think that would be pretty persuasive. I would imagine people try to impress the president and say things they don’t actually mean. I just feel bad for him. He was manipulated by a president. So I would not call him a racist. He is no Jerry Fallwell. Or Pat Robertson.
Sure I don’t agree with him on many things, but I respect the man a lot for what he believes. And I also think that Rachel Zoll, the AP religion writer who wrote the story about the dedication, is doing the right thing by not mention these allegations, and just letting the man enjoy his library.
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